rhythm of my heart
Gull cry
My Dad in 1936 or 37 tan as can be and playing with a friend named Ricky.
December 10, 2011
I am drawn to visit the beach and walk the sand and listen to the gulls cry. This is an exercise in reconnecting with my past. This is a place I go that lifts my spirits and reminds me of where I come from and where I want to go. While standing here gazing out at Star Island ( one of my most favorite places in the world) I couldn’t help but wonder when my Dad last saw this beach of his childhood and did he ever think it might be the last time. I took a few minutes extra to soak up this wonderful scenery, I am so glad I made the trip to New Hampshire for storytelling and a side visit to see my cousins at the beach and take a walk full of memories!
Oh Carolyn, this is lovely! It is so important to stay connected to our past isn’t it?! It is wonderful how you have the pics here so we can literally see the connection! You look so much like your Aunt Ginny I think! How nice for you that you could take this side trip while up there “on business!” Thank you for sharing!!