New Images

New Images

I was privileged to attend and share the day yesterday with a program called New Images under the direction of EastConn Educational Services.The youth attending  were all from a middle school seventh and eighth grade. They had gone on field trips produced digital photography, developed  photoshop edits which included adding their own Haiku poetry to the image. The art show of their enlarged images  was a feast for the eyes. 
I shared a storytelling and photography day with them. I opened with  slide show done on photo tech site. The slides show was put to music and had some fun embellishments like bubbles on a horse bathing picture and lightning on a cloudy sky picture. Most were as taken right from my lens to the screen.
I shared stories, one of my father,Herman Marshall’s career as a professional news photographer for the Hartford Courant. This was the inspiration for my picking up the camera and taking photos.  After this story I talked to them about how news reporting has widened to include everyone since the advent of the internet. How news photos could come from anyone who is carrying a photographic device. We are all star reporters of the news now.  
I shared a story of  a young woman, Abbie Burgess Light House Keeper her heroic deeds  a legacy for over 100 years and an inspiration that we may find our life’s work from any moment. I tied this in to the opportunity to take pictures when vacationing and a way to learn through the lens and story.
This was a wonderful group of young people who came to Eastern Connecticut State University for the culmination of this program. I can still recall the beautiful images they created and am inspired by their work.
A Scavenger Hunt for Picture Details

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