Category Archives: Willimantic

Focusing on One Thing

Focusing on One Thing

There is power in focusing the camera on just one thing, see what these 10 images taught me.Focus, I try to focus and see what an image is telling me, what does it represent in my life. I try to see the world around me as individual entities and as a part of the whole, instead of the blur of a tech assisted whirl of work and family. I need to make time to stop and take the pictures!

From the Willimantic Frog Bridge (CT) Just one of the four frogs. The frog for me is a symbol of  “celebrate our weakness and strength, learn to laugh at myself.”  Willimantic celebrates a history of the early settlers fearing an attack from an imminent army on the march take to their weapons and march out to meet the foe and protect the families. Only to find the waters receding on a local pond to the dismay of the many bullfrogs in residence who croaked their last death calls to the world. I have learned to face my fear, it might be nothing more than another frog and to have a hearty laugh when I misinterpret the world around me!


Jump back to a prior season and enjoy the beauty of one Cardinal in the snow. The Cardinal reminds me that even when I shine in my work or creative life there are those unseen, partners with a subtle display of strength who help me go forward. The female Cardinal is drab with a touch of color, but without her where would he be? Without my supporters where would I be?

Looks like a perfect summer day outside! The window looks perfect and shows us one frame of the world outside. Could thunder clouds line the other horizon? I am reminded to get more than one view before I make my statements!

Not everyday a beautiful butterfly sits near you! Life is fragile, it can be torn apart by a simple raindrop but that does not deter the butterfly from spreading his wings and going great distances. I am reminded to go, the world is waiting and worrying about not succeeding won’t get me anywhere.

Like Robert Frost  suggests in his poem, choose the road less traveled by- and that has made all the difference. I learned that poem first in music in high school choir, the message has stayed with me since. Hear the choir version I learned here:

Leave a mark on the world. It does not matter if no one can see I just think I should mark my time here, it tells me I  have a place in the long history of the world and no life or event is insignificant. This boat etched into the roof sheathing of the Nathan Hale School House in New London CT reminded me to do something, even if no one will see it. This was hidden behind lath and plaster. Through restoration  175+ years later it tells a story of the students once there, and the ships at New London Harbor.


I am leaving my mark through teaching and stories, both invisible, both a mark that will shine through time.

Greet every day with great expectations! My attitude  will determine the quality of my day.

Simply stated, I need to make time for my friends. A cup of coffee, a call to them, an old fashioned letter. The sign ( from Cafemantic in Willimantic CT) a simple reminder to make that happen often!

Don’t leave kids on the outside of conversations or decision making. “Kids Say the Darndest Things” was once a TV show, how sad we had to be reminded by TV to listen to children.

It takes a lot of workers and only one Queen!

I love taking pictures, now with the ease of photography with a phone in the pocket, I get to take even more. The biggest change in my photo hobby came with the jump to digital photos the economic freedom to take as many as I want!

Stone inspired thoughts with resources for stories:

Where I went with my inspirations: