Category Archives: troll story

Job Posting: Troll Caretaker

Job Posting: Troll Caretaker

                                Caretaker Wanted: for single male troll

       Person of interest in employment as Troll Caretaker should apply by visiting the realty site and arrange a tour of the home. The  current troll keepers are moving on. The well established and low maintenance troll wishes new caretaker to be easy going and patient with troll like behaviors. New caretaker must be willing to relocate to Mansfield, CT.

       Maintenance of troll habitat and current standards of troll care must be certified and met with due diligence. The troll in need has protected this domain for a very long time.  Green Door policy is to note when the troll is out so that maintenance of his Daffodils, snow removal or other seasonal care does not disturb his privacy and desired introverted ways.

       Standard Halloween open door policy is negotiable upon signed intent to make an offer on position. It should be noted that the 1-2 hour event to welcome the children of the neighborhood has been an anticipated and celebrated event of the Halloween evening. Every school bus that passes and every car with children in check on the troll status. It has been that way for more than 30 years, it is hoped the tradition will continue without interruption.

For more information on troll care and keeping and Troll stories see these links:

Troll Story from their home country:

Everything Trolls:

Famous Troll:

Troll Storytelling: Resources For Understanding:

Norway Troll Resources:

Troll Beads

Apply Here:

                                                               Landmarks Realty

 Troll’s old friend fox and his resources are in ths blog: