sea Archives - Carolyn Stearns Storyteller

Category Archives: sea

Review Salt and the Sea by Sean Buvala

Salt and the Sea

By Sean Buvala Illustrated by Kseniia Panchenko

The cover of Salt and the Sea captured me from the moment I saw it. Of course, I would choose a book with an adorable puppy on the cover to share with my grandchildren. In picture book fashion the few words are concise and rhythmic enticing the reader to keep going on the adventure with Salt the pup. The rich colorful art is a feast for the eyes as Salt goes below the waves to meet sea creatures. We played color identification, seek and find in the pages and expanded the story with questions. Salt and the Sea is a perfect book for sharing with a child to grow a love of reading and discovery of worlds outside our own.

Ancestors at Sea

Did your ancestors work  the sea? What immigrant ship did your ancestors arrive on?  Tell family stories with accuracy to detail, with a visit to a nautical museum or website. Here are some places to begin your voyage of discovery, the family stories from the sea. The whale boat above, is an image from Mystic Seaport,… Continue Reading

Ties to a Shipyard Story

Allen, that is a family name, my Paternal Grandmother was Pauline Allen Marshall. She was from Port Greville, Nova Scotia Canada.  Here she is as a young woman in Rye New Hampshire.   She came to the United States as a young teen to work in the Amoskeag Mills in Manchester, NH. Allen is an… Continue Reading

Launch of a Great Ship- The Charles W. Morgan

Launch of a Great Ship- The Charles W. Morgan

        The Charles W. Morgan, the last wooden whaling ship of a bygone era went back into the water on July 21,2013. Her maiden launch was on July 21, 1841 at New Bedford, Ma. Through the talents of countless craftsman and steadfast fundraisers the iconic ship was carefully restored and readied for a launch. Towering over… Continue Reading