equine Archives - Carolyn Stearns Storyteller

Category Archives: equine

Half Broke Horses, a Book Review

Book Review: Half Broke Horses   Jeannette Walls


Are you looking for a heroine? I was given the book Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls, what a story! I owe my friend a huge thanks. I love a good story, adding horses, is even better. This novel is based on the life of the author’s grandmother. Her lifetime tumbled from the ranch, horse breaker, schoolteacher, pilot, wife, and parent. This dynamo of a woman lived a real life that is the stuff legends are made of. The author calls it a novel as she needed to fill in detail that was not left in the treasure of family stories.

I love historical family stories. That is what made this book such a delight to read. The author Jeannette Walls has taken the oral history of her grandmother’s life and made us never forget it. I highly recommend this book to the reader who loves historical stories, the West, and a powerful woman.

Review The Great Red Horse Trilogy by Helen Scanlon

Now and then a great horse comes along and is remembered and celebrated for who he was to a breed or sport and its people. UC Ringmaster was just such a horse. The UC is for the University of Connecticut where he was born. I just had the pleasure of recalling those days as I… Continue Reading

Wed. Word Wisdom – Hand

Wednesday Word Wisdom with Carolyn Stearns StorytellerHand; it’s not what you think it is really so much more. As an equine reference point it is a fun word to define. Hand:   a unit of length measurement equalling four inches, used for measuring the height of horses, usually from the front hoof to the withers… Continue Reading