Category Archives: animals

Half Broke Horses, a Book Review

Book Review: Half Broke Horses   Jeannette Walls


Are you looking for a heroine? I was given the book Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls, what a story! I owe my friend a huge thanks. I love a good story, adding horses, is even better. This novel is based on the life of the author’s grandmother. Her lifetime tumbled from the ranch, horse breaker, schoolteacher, pilot, wife, and parent. This dynamo of a woman lived a real life that is the stuff legends are made of. The author calls it a novel as she needed to fill in detail that was not left in the treasure of family stories.

I love historical family stories. That is what made this book such a delight to read. The author Jeannette Walls has taken the oral history of her grandmother’s life and made us never forget it. I highly recommend this book to the reader who loves historical stories, the West, and a powerful woman.

Review: Project Solomon

Book Review: Project Solomon By Jodi Stuber and Jennifer Marshall Bleakley   A poignant true story of an inspired partnership between Jodi Stuber and her horse Solomon has rippled across a broad community. What can rescue horses do for people who need rescue? Jodi answers that through her prayerful narrative of a life enriched through… Continue Reading

Review Slater Mountain – The Journey

Book Review: Slater Mountain – The Journey By Judy Ricketts-White   Judy writes Slater Mountain from her deep reservoir of equine and horsemanship knowledge. Each chapter is a full lesson in the communication between horses and humans. This technical wisdom is imparted through a believable and engaging family story of life on a horse farm… Continue Reading

Review The Great Red Horse Trilogy by Helen Scanlon

Now and then a great horse comes along and is remembered and celebrated for who he was to a breed or sport and its people. UC Ringmaster was just such a horse. The UC is for the University of Connecticut where he was born. I just had the pleasure of recalling those days as I… Continue Reading

Editing – Labor of Love

Editing – Labor of Love   Writing is a labor of love. Lately it is the labor piece of that saying that has caught my attention. I have to get my edits done and they are a long slow labor to go through the manuscript. It is during the work of edits that I once… Continue Reading

Instant Summer

Instant Summer There I was today freezing in the barn. It was 50 degrees but the wind was whipping itself around and in the north door and I was tired and grumpy and cold. Cold that is the word and as I watched the very bubbly and optimistic weather forecast I was amazed, it will… Continue Reading