How Far is Safe?

My debut novel!

I am so excited to be closing in on the publication date from my first novel. Look for How Far is Safe? this summer of 2021. This is the story of a boy and his beloved donkey. I know my book will appeal to animal lovers of all ages. I have geared my writing to the sixth-grade level, it would also make a great read aloud for a slightly younger audience.

The book is historical fiction set in Pennsylvania 1890. Writing historical fiction allows me to teach a little history through a compelling tale of a fictional character. You will love this Boy!  You will adore this donkey!

My book is the culmination of many experiences meeting donkeys that had been rescued. Why do so many donkeys require rescue? That question eats at my brain. o Some poor donkeys are misunderstood and treated second class.

My favorite donkey (now crossed over the rainbow bridge) Jassper and his owner John taught me so much about the contemplative, kind and gentle donkey way. I am hoping that this story will continue that education to donkey wisdom for all my readers.

I am currently working with my editor and cover art illustrator for the final steps toward my goal of a published book. Join me on the journey as I tell this story. Follow my blog for more updates on the book release events and where you too can get a copy and become a fan of the boy and a huge fan of donkeys!

Although the book launch exact date is not set yet the location is! There is a new Donkey and Eeyore Museum in Hebron, Connecticut. I have visited and checked it out – it is the perfect spot to launch this book to the reading world!

                                                                                              Inside the Donkey and Eeyore Museum

Follow me here on my blog or any of my social media pages to get the next update on the journey to publication of my debut novel.


Want to see a collection of images that influenced my story? Look here:

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