

Engage in new cultures, walk long-lost paths in history, explore exciting places and become immersed in a story unlike any other with Carolyn Stearns storytelling for kids and adults in Connecticut and beyond.

I am an experienced historical, cultural and educational storyteller enlivening imaginations through the ancient art of performance storytelling. My programs can align with classroom content and common core.

I am currently focusing my story research on historical family stories. Click over to my blog to learn more about collecting, researching and telling your family stories. I also offer workshops to help you develop family stories for storytelling, writing, archives, or reunions.

Cultures, traditions and legends have been carried forth for thousands of years through the spoken word, and I am proud to continue this art form today. Every story carries with it characters, events, themes and conflicts that listeners of all ages can delve into and relate with. I craft each story to suit the audience and theme, creating a captivating atmosphere and thrilling event.

Listeners discover fascinating historical figures, exciting peoples of different countries and eras, long-lost legends full of heroism and fright, and much more across dozens of colorful, remarkable tales.

Bring enthralling entertainment to your school, library, community center, museum, drama club, camp, retirement community or anywhere.

Watch the video to get a glimpse of classic storytelling through a riveting historical tale, and contact me today to learn more or schedule an event.

What do the kids say? “My favorite activity today was the storyteller because the story was so funny”  Grade 2 student

Share A Program: One program two organizations a great time, let me help you brainstorm how to save on your program costs and bring new blood to your organization. email me at mothermoo2001@yahoo.com or  carolyn@carolynstearnsstoryteller.com 

Author Carolyn M. Stearns

My stories are moving onto paper as I hone my craft as a writer as well as a oral storyteller. I have released an adult novel finished in NaNoWriMo19. (National Novel Writing Month)  I have four books in my Amazon bookstore and a firth one coming in 2025. Spring of 2020 I completed a manuscript for a historical fiction picture book, looking for just the right art. I have more book projects than I have time!  Find my books over at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Carolyn-Stearns/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3ACarolyn+Stearns